Watch my 86 yr old grandmother strip wire
Bluedog International / August 15th, 2018

The BWS-80 HD automatic wire stripping machine is so easy to operate, even my 86 year grandmother can use it! Watch this video demonstration showing how my lovely grandmother can easily operate the BWS-80 HD wire stripping machine. If you need to strip scrap copper wire, the BWS-80 HD is the ultimate machine.
Some background about this video shoot: My grandmother is very active and always takes a special interest in what her grandchildren do. When I told her I was filming a video for the BWS-80 HD automatic wire stripping machine, she asked if she could participate in the video. Here is footage of her operating the BWS-80 HD which is normally meant for big burly tough guys.
The point we would like to make is the BWS-80 HD wire stripping machine is so easy to use even my 86 year old grandmother could operate it. I think my grandmother could have a second career of being a scraper if she wasn’t retired.
If you have any questions about the BWS-80 HD please call us: 866-901-2278. These are great machines for scrap yards, electrical contractors and demolitions companies.
Cheers, and Enjoy the video.
For more details check it out the easy to operate: BWS-80 HD automatic wire stripping machine